I think you will find that so many people make the decision to move here and then as the time gets closer they start to get nervous and think about all the possibilities of what might happen.
We decided to move here (boyf and myself 27 from uk) and didn;t know a single soul either. We'd never been here, can't speak a word of cantonese but wanted to experience living somewhere else and this is where we ended up.
While i was very nervous, it is all about mindset - you have to view it as an adventure - HK won;t be home for a while, it takes ages to get used to being somewhere new, but while you are here take advantage of all the opportunities. We've travelled to places we'd never have gone to, met people we'd never had the opportunity to speak to (some very weird, some will be best friends for life) and experienced living somewhere else.
While you might be worried about your kids growing up in a different environment they will have opportunities, simply by living here, that you never will have had.
I spent a lot of time on my own when i first got here, for the 1st time in my life, and i walked around lots, met people, made myself be friendly and bombarded anyone i thought might want to employ me with phone calls and cvs/ emails. I got work very quickly (3 yrs ago and am teacher) and started to settle in.
Wherever you are in the world things irritate you about living there and its not till you are away from it you realise. There are good bits/ great bits and very annoying things about living here but you get used to it, learn not to get uptight (sometimes!) and take it as it is.
Its an amazing experience to live somewhere else and it doesn;t have to be forever. Take what you can from it while you can and remember 1000s of people have been through it before and survived.
Use this site to meet people (we did) and keep meeting them, share your experiences and you'll build a support network very quickly.
It does take 6 - 12 months to settle in so give it some time and remember after 3 years we still have bad days, but mainly great days!
Rotten Lemon:
While you are unemployed do some volunteering, explore, attend classes, join clubs etc..
there are lots of people here with not much to fill their time - find them, meet them and then do stuff together.
Its an adventure, exciting and scary but shouldn;t be as you describe it - if it is you need to make sure you are up for it.