Hi all, Just a preliminary query. Approximately how much would a new graduate with minimal experience get at a HK big 4 accountancy firm? (assuming he could convince them to take him on)
Hi all, Just a preliminary query. Approximately how much would a new graduate with minimal experience get at a HK big 4 accountancy firm? (assuming he could convince them to take him on)
HK$10-15K I'd assume.
I'm assuming this would be for an entry level bean counting position?
But on the other hand, a new Harvard MBA might pull easily 10 times that. Salary differentials in HK are probably the most extreme anywhere in the world.
Fair enough - yes, it would be entry level bean counting (not qualified CA yet). Thank you guys
Local graduates get around HK$11000 per month in big 4 entry level position.
A big four company offered me a position as an accountant level 2 for 13500 HKD/ Month. I must say that I had a one year experience in a Big 4 in France and that the salary for the same position in France is 32000 HKD/ month.
The conclusion is that they really pay you peanuts in HK. I personally accepted another offer from a French MNC for a much better salary with the same level of experience and less working hours.
Personally I do not see any advantages in working for a BIG 4 in HK.
Last edited by chris780; 16-06-2006 at 06:17 PM.
My friend was looking to trasnfer to HK when he was working for PWC in their NYC Metro. region...At the time, he was in his second year there and making about 58k USD + bonuses...After talking to his senior manager he learned, that you lose many of the perks of being an associate in the US as well as a huge reduction in pay...
My roommate's girlfriend works for Deloitte here in Shenzhen...She totally gets hosed. She has an MBA from the UK and she doesn't make anything even close to 58K USD...
Stay in the US or Europe if you have the degree...
dizzy, that last post was 3.5 years ago! stay with your thread, i'd suggest