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  • 1 Post By PDLM

freelancing in hk

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Thumbs up freelancing in hk

    Hi all, just wondering if any freelancers out there have gone down the path of creating their own limited company for the sake of getting better work flexibility. I'm in tv and hope to take up a six month contract next month and the working holiday scenario just won't cut it.

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Do you have the right to work in Hong Kong? If not then you aren't going to get a visa just by setting up a shell company for yourself.

  3. #3

    Hi PDLM. I'm Australian and can get a working holiday visa - so I had thought of entering the country with that then once settled look to setup the company.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    So OK the Working Holiday Visa gets you in for 12 months, but it can't be renewed (and strictly you can't work for one company for more than 3 months). The comment about a shell company still applies. You will only be able to stay beyond the 12 months if either:

    1) You find a job with an employer who will sponsor you for an Employment Visa (and ImmD agrees that it is visa-worthy); or

    2) You set up a business with a business plan that ImmD believes to be credible under which you will employ local permanent residents (and get an Investment Visa); or

    3) You invest HK$6.5M in HK assets (Capital Investment Entrant Scheme)

    4) You plough through the QMAS scheme (this takes many, many months even if you meet the criteria); or

    5) You marry a HK resident and get a Dependant Visa.

    Details of all those options here: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Immigration Department

    darrenh50 likes this.

  5. #5

    Thanks again PDLM.

    It seems number 2 is my only option, but what is credible? Setting up an independent production company that freelances its services to another independent production company is that a reasonable form of business that immD is likely to accept?

    Thanks for your thoughts

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    The key is, how many locals will you employ? If the answer is none (or just one token admin person for a pittance), then it simply won't work.