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cooking at home - without spending a fortune!

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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by carang:
    some of the lee kum kee sauces are actually quite nice. my mum even asks me to bring her some when i go to canada (we're not chinese).
    old comment, but i'm surprised to see it. i'm not sure where you're from in canada, but you can easily get lee kum kee sauces in vancouver, calgary, toronto, ottawa and montreal from big chinese supermarkets like T&T as well as smaller groceries stores. sometimes they're even cheaper than in hong kong (especially at T&T).

  2. #102

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    my mum used to live in saskatoon(you do realise that the 5 cities you mentioned are only a tiny fraction of the country, right?)... no T&T in sight. she could get a few of them from the tiny chinese shop, but not many and not often.

    she moved to vancouver 2 months ago and i'm glad to say that i won't have to take any more of them over to her.

  3. #103

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Siu Sai Wan
    Quote Originally Posted by carang:
    OMG! i found a recipe on BIGOVEN.COM and it was awesome! not healthy in the least though!

    it was for chicken wings...

    flour them, dip in egg, flour again.
    fry them until browned.
    put in a baking dish and cover with 1c bbq sauce mixed with 1/2 cup honey....
    bake for 30 min (or until done)

    OMG! sooooo YUMMY!
    Just tried this.....

    ... Pretty good

  4. #104

    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Been in HK since October 08

    Hi heres my homemade pasta sauce and its cheaper to use fresh ingredients than buy jars or packets by the way.

    2Tblsp Butter (not marg)
    2 Cloves crushed garlic
    400g Tomatoes (I use fresh but you can use tinned if using fresh make sure you skin them)
    1 Onion finley diced
    1 Tblsp Oregano
    1 Tblsp Basil
    1 Tblsp Tomato Puree
    3 Tblsp Olive Oil
    Salt and Pepper

    Melt the butter on a low heat then add the olive oil, garlic and the rest of the ingredients.
    Bring to the boil and then simmer for 20mins.

    You can use this straight away on your pasta and maybe add some chopped Pepperoni or anything you fancy really. You can also use it as a base for pizza but you need to let it go cold for pizza bases.

    In ParkNshop, I think all the meat has been previously frozen. I didnt like the sound of it either but I dont have a choice :0( lol .

    If you need anymore recepices let me know.

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