May be moving to HK with family - What's it like ?

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Shatin, Hong Kong

    LottieNancyB, if you're looking for green space you will not be disappointed. HK does not have Hyde Park-sized open areas but what it does have are mountains left, right and centre. Trails snake from one fantastic mountain to another. There are hundreds of walks suitable for all ages and levels of fitnesses.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    hot and humid. Think of places like the Congo or Panama. AC on 24/7

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Ive just moved from London to HK and I must say it was the best decision Ive ever made. HK has one of the lowest crime rates in the world so you'll feel relaxed when you're out till the late hours.

    I suggest you live in Discovery bay - it is a very nice place and is one of the few places where a town planner seems to have been used. Its a very expat community and no traffic and the air is better than HK Island. It's 1/2 hour on the ferry and your in central and no interchange.

    In London if you want to live in the greens and the sun with a 1/2 hour commute - good luck! But in HK you can do this.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Midlevels / USA (MD) / London

    The humidity is going to be a lot worse than anything you've probably experienced, and you will get several months of it. You'll also have a wet cold in the winter, but you are probably used to that.

    Yes, there is green areas, but finding a 'house' with a garden will probably require you to look at someplace like Discovery Bay as most of the places on the island are a bit smaller or apartments.

    It is very easy to meet other expats. There is a whole 'we're all 6,000 miles from home together' so you have an instant similarity.

    Having kids in HK is fun, you'll have a nanny no doubt which will help a lot. The one thing that does worry me is the pollution. The air is a bit much on young lungs.

    HK can get a bit claustrophobic though. It is a small place, even more so if you live the expat life in which you are one of about 100,000 or so (and everyone knows everyone). I hope you budget for some travel every now and then as you will want to get away every now and then.

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by penguinsix:
    HK can get a bit claustrophobic though. It is a small place, even more so if you live the expat life in which you are one of about 100,000 or so (and everyone knows everyone). I hope you budget for some travel every now and then as you will want to get away every now and then.
    Couldn't agree more. Hong Kong is a great place to live but it is also a small place with lots of people, cultures and lots of pace, and you could feel a little bit unsettled or even isolated at some times -- especially when you're homesick which happens to all expats. Ocassional trips back home and travelling in general are a good way to counterbalance that.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    I don't know anyone who has come here and hated it. I'd give it a go. Plus I definately think the transition is easier to partner / family in tow.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    you will NOT hate it, your kids will love it.

    ...and remember you will have the advantage of a live in helper if that is something you want.

    We are originally fro London also and we had no issues settling down here, our daughter loves it etc etc.

    Get out on a "look-see" trip and get your hubby's compnay to arrange a relo company to show you around.