I recently bought 7 men’s shirts from Sam's Tailor in TST. All 7 were too big and needed some alterations. Sam's took them back and altered them. When I tried them on again all 7 were too small and unwearable. Sam or the guy that owns the business said there was nothing he could do but offer me 50% off my next order. He effectively said it was my decision to have them changed because they were too big and when the were altered and too small it was my problem. FYI: Sam doesn’t suggest any fitting for shirts – just one measure and there you go. The discount offer effectively meant if I got all 7 shirts re made they would have costed me 150% of his retail. No way! In my opinion this once well reputed tailor is now nothing more than a factory with no real interest in client satisfaction with some very sloppy end results.
Ended up going to “Taipan House” Tailors at Admiralty. For starters it’s a much closer journey from central. I bought 3 shirts to hedge my bets in case they went wrong. The guy offered a fitting to make sure they got the job done. When I went in for the fitting the shirt seemed to big or too much material around the back and arms so some modifications were made. Got the final result and the monogram on the cuffs weren’t right so they sent them back to be corrected. Picked up the final end result on Saturday and couldn’t be happier. These guys are so much more focussed on client satisfaction than Sam’s its not funny.
Bottom line: skip Sam and the risk of a shoddy job and head to Taipan House Tailors in Admiralty.