Tailors: Go to "Taipan House Tailors" & not Sam's

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Tailors: Go to "Taipan House Tailors" & not Sam's

    I recently bought 7 men’s shirts from Sam's Tailor in TST. All 7 were too big and needed some alterations. Sam's took them back and altered them. When I tried them on again all 7 were too small and unwearable. Sam or the guy that owns the business said there was nothing he could do but offer me 50% off my next order. He effectively said it was my decision to have them changed because they were too big and when the were altered and too small it was my problem. FYI: Sam doesn’t suggest any fitting for shirts – just one measure and there you go. The discount offer effectively meant if I got all 7 shirts re made they would have costed me 150% of his retail. No way! In my opinion this once well reputed tailor is now nothing more than a factory with no real interest in client satisfaction with some very sloppy end results.

    Ended up going to “Taipan House” Tailors at Admiralty. For starters it’s a much closer journey from central. I bought 3 shirts to hedge my bets in case they went wrong. The guy offered a fitting to make sure they got the job done. When I went in for the fitting the shirt seemed to big or too much material around the back and arms so some modifications were made. Got the final result and the monogram on the cuffs weren’t right so they sent them back to be corrected. Picked up the final end result on Saturday and couldn’t be happier. These guys are so much more focussed on client satisfaction than Sam’s its not funny.

    Bottom line: skip Sam and the risk of a shoddy job and head to Taipan House Tailors in Admiralty.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Hong Kong

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Sam won't be a happy camper if this gets back to him..hehe. He's actually a friend of the family. I don't get my suits through him though.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Can you give us an idea of how much your custom made shirts cost? I know prices can vary based on material and other factors, but I am curious as to what range to expect.


  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Hong Kong

    Anyone who uses touts to bring in customers is not worth visiting. I have used Raja before and the fit was worse than a cheap Shenzen suit. The only Indian tailor I like is MacLarrys. These to guys have a no nonsense attitude and will not make excuses if they fk up.

    Mac Larrys charge roughly $1600-1800 for 7 custom made shirts.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    I hope this feedback does get back to Sam because his customer sevice was poor. I left his shop with 7 un-wearable shirts I ended up throwing out. Sam tried to tell me it was my fault the alterations were made incorrectly. There was zero interest from Sam to try and make me leave the shop a satisifed client. I also plan to post this feedback to other website and lonely planet etc as I dont want others to be dealt with like I was.

    In terms of prices at Taipan House about HK$350/shirt or thereabouts. Good value considering the end result was excellent. I will be returning for more business and recommending this place to others.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Try Aster Tailor in TST.

    They've got quite nice prints for shirts. Eaching about $250
    I made 5 the other day. The suits there were a bit disappointing though

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Hong Kong

    My dad goes to two places for his bespoke shirts...Grand Shirt in TST and Ascot Chang. http://www.ascotchang.com/index.jsp

  8. #8

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rrb:
    I hope this feedback does get back to Sam because his customer sevice was poor. I left his shop with 7 un-wearable shirts I ended up throwing out. Sam tried to tell me it was my fault the alterations were made incorrectly.
    The tailor screwed up 7 shirts once, and then you let him modify all 7 at the same time? That wasn't too well thought out.

    There's a good shirt place in CWB. Win Guide, on the 12th floor of Island Beverly House across the road from Sogo. I've been using them for 10 years. They don't advertise, they are hard to find, and they seem to do okay because they have repeat customers. Shirts range from 200ish for poly cotton up to 550 for very good pure cottons.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jayinhongkong:
    My dad goes to two places for his bespoke shirts...Grand Shirt in TST and Ascot Chang. http://www.ascotchang.com/index.jsp
    What does an Ascot Chang shirt cost?

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