What a farce! By 10 am the tickets were "sold out" even though they'd not gone on sale yet.
If anyone has any spare tickets they are willing to sell (or know anyone who has), please please please PM me.
What a farce! By 10 am the tickets were "sold out" even though they'd not gone on sale yet.
If anyone has any spare tickets they are willing to sell (or know anyone who has), please please please PM me.
Yah, I was there too. What a farce.
I am going to try and get my tickets through my employer, but not holding my breath.
I am also going to write a letter to the organisers. Apparently they started selling their tickets on Friday, even though they advertised that ticket sales started on Saturday.
PM me for spares too.
my girlfriend got to the queue at 10:20 this morning and by 3pm she had her tickets. unfortunately she's skint so could only afford her own and couldn't get mine too
We got there probably about 5/10 minutes after they closed the queue and were telling everyone there were no tickets left. The ridiculous thing is they were insisting that everyone in the stadium was going to buy 4 tickets. Which was quite clearly never going to be true - especially as I don't think most people were expecting to have to pay cash. So we waited for 2 hours and they gave up because we didn't have enough cash for 1 ticket, let alone 4.
They didn't take credit cards?
We got a tip off from a friend, and so got there "early" at ten am!
Apparently people had been queing from Friday night!!!
NO sales started before 12 noon on Saturday btw!
At ten we (2 out of the 4-5 friends who were supposed to be there at ten am) were in a relatively short que... we noticed that by 1030 they'd closed the que off! At the entrance to the stadium, we were given an "apology" - apparently the tickets were sold out, and we were given a red "waitlist" pass.... ours was in the W 150-200 range - apparently they had run out of the A-E's (ie: confirmed tickets by 8am!!).... we were told that only if the A-E's didn't but their full quota of 4 tickets each, would the W "waitlisted" people get an opportunity! We were welcome to wait around, for approx 3 hours if we'd like to take our chances, but if we left the stadium, then our chances were forfeited!
No ticket sales started until 1200pm
Each letter A-E had 255 ticket numbers.... it wasn't until about 2.30 pm that they announced that they were selling W's.... then it was an agonizing wait to see if our higher W number would come up!!
CREDIT cards WERE accepted - visa and mastercard, so it AMAZES me that W's didn't buy their full quota of 4 tickets! ALL W's (up to the 255 tickets in W) got tickets! We bought all 8, and I am certain that those lucky fellows who partied friday night and slept in saturday, (whilst we wasted the whole of Saturday in the stadium with a good book and in uncertain agony) will be clamouring for one! We will of course share, but....grrrr...!!
New Year's resolution - Next time, get there at 5am!!
My suggestion - those that have spare tickets are probably those who got there early and waited a very long time for a ticket.... so don't expect it at public price - make a good offer and take into account the @#$%^!! they went through
Well I guess the credit card rumour mill was wrong, but it wouldn't have mattered for me if they were only accepting gold bars, as they'd closed the queue just before we got there. So not even a chance to go on the waiting list
It doesn't bother me particularly that they sold out - if people want to queue over night to get tickets, fair play to them. But it's £&£"& annoying that they had announced *before the tickets went on sale* that they had sold out - on the daft assumption everyone would buy 4 adult tickets. I'd rather have been given the chance to queue and take the risk of not getting any.
And then there's the whole issue of why they were only releasing 6000 - 8000 tickets to the public anyway....
By the way, heard from a friend in the know that they only released ~6,000 tickets for this sale. Rest of the tickets have gone to Corporate boxes and overseas sales. I think the stadium holds something of the order of 40,000, so this means only 15% were released to local fans. TOTAL farce indeed!!
Er, no - the bulk of the tickets are sold through local rugby clubs to their members. Only 20% go overseas.
Hmmm...I missed a comma in my post...Corporate, boxes and overseas sales. Then, the other thing I missed, as PDLM mentioned, are the rugby unions & clubs. Unfortunately, I beg to differ that it's not the bulk of tickets that go to the rugby clubs. After the 6,000 released for sales, and the 15% allocated overseas, only ~remaining 1/3 of tickets go to local rugby unions and clubs. A larger bulk of tickets go to corporate & corporate sponsors.
Here is the "official" statement from HKRFU:
Interestingly enough they won't say exactly how many tickets are available for rugby club members versus sponsors. The last time they officially announced how many tickets they give to sponsors was in 2004. They no longer seem to give out this info.