Nagivator and NOW TV

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Park Island

    Nagivator and NOW TV

    Not sure if this is the right category for this question.
    Here it goes.
    We went to a PCCW shop on Saturday and happily signed up 1 package for broadband and a package for cable TV for around HKD600 in all. Happily gave them HKD 1600 for deposit. We got a contract for 24 months. And then, today, I get a call from PCCW telling us that there's not enough 'lines' in the block for us to have broadband and cable. And the quickest that we could get their services is at the end of Aug. I could go to another internet service provider for broadband but it's cable that's bothering me. Hubby wants his soccer matches!

    Has anyone faced this before? And how did you get both broadband and cable?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    HK$ 600 for broadband and cable seems a little bit too much.

    Sorry .. don't have much to add about how to fight the shortage.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Park Island
    Quote Originally Posted by KnowItAll:
    HK$ 600 for broadband and cable seems a little bit too much.

    Sorry .. don't have much to add about how to fight the shortage.
    We're going to be paying around HKD 368 for heaps of channels and around HKD 228 for broadband. Got to admit...I've no life! Love my TV!

  4. #4

    $228 is normal for broadband. $368 for TV, wow they really put the screws to you didn't they?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    hong kong

    Some one is putting the screws on all of you.

    I am paying 210 for Broadband and 103 for TV on 18 mth contract. Broadband is not the highest speed but one below it. TV is the base package with 2 premium channels for free.
    No BS I have the bills !!

    As for no lines in the building, as long as you have an installed Tel line they can put all in , yes?
    When I was in Tia Koo I changed to Hutchinson, who had to run their own cable ( very strange for a guy from UK because ISPs there use the installed cable and are billed from the exchange ) which they did in about 30 minutes. I don't see much but an excuse from PCCW -- UNLESS your in a new building and they have to install a trunk cable.
    I am not a techie but DSL ( ADSL ) and telecom comes up the same pairs cable, or something like that. Nothing special has to be laid.

  6. #6

    What's your point Boris?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    hong kong

    I thought I had made it.
    He's being screwed ( maybe ) unless he has a full package and fastest service.
    There seems no reason for them not giving service if he has a telephone line.

    Is that shorthand enough for you lowlight?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Park Island

    Okay, yes, I know that 368 is heaps to pay for cable. But I'm getting 6 months free, basically paying for 18 months, a second decoder box with 2 free channels and I'm getting something like 20 or more channels, including the soccer channels.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    PCCW is expensive, no doubt about it, but we've always gone with them as they've got the best service, so the delay's rather strange. I got my cable/broadband a few days after signing up.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    Two decoder box explains it ..

    Back to your problem. How about calling them and saying that you really do want the cable / internet and if they cannot deliver, you'll switch to Cable TV?

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