sorry excuse the title.
actually I found stool over surfaces and inside a cupboard the last few days...
took a picture of one today..
who's making them?
sorry excuse the title.
actually I found stool over surfaces and inside a cupboard the last few days...
took a picture of one today..
who's making them?
Seems like the typhoon is making people crazy.
My guess would be geckos?
While my client is willing to identify him/herself (see Cute Mouse Pictures and Images ), he/she has asked me to inquire as to exactly what you mean by "get rid of" in your earlier post.
He/she also wishes to know if being unbearably cute could be a mitigating factor. Just asking ... and without prejudice, of course.
eeeuwl~! large roach SHUDDER!
well its something the cats have brought in we think...
havent seen it yet - just the signs in the under sink cupboard and high up on the microwave....
we have been restricting the cats to one room that opens on the balcony overnight.. I got bored of dead birds, rats and mice either in my dressing room or outside the bedroom door, this is either a monster roach - or an "undead" mouse or gecko?
if it's a gecko it lives!
Could be gecko (helpful to you by eating insect guests), could be as SataySue said be big cockroaches (less helpful, but they do eat our waste, so I blame the wasters).
Incidently, you could try fitting bells to your cats if they are killing a lot of wildlife. You need two bells, as cats are clever and they can learn to muffle one so they can still stalk. It does no harm to the cats and will help save wildlife, that is already under pressure from human activities. Sadly bells don't seem to reduce the amount of amphibians they kill, but it will definitely help birds and one bird killed during the breeding season could mean the death of a whole nest full of chicks.
yes I feel bad about that - unfortunately the "killer" cat belongs to my next door neighbour - it just seems to have bonded more with my cats than hers and consequently thinks it lives here..
in the past week it has brought in 4 or 5 mice/rats..
hasnt brought a bird in for a couple of weeks thankfully...
they are the most horrific as it tends to chew heads or wings off....
my cat is fat and lazy and only moves when he's certain thats a bag of biscuits he's heard.. he wont go "outside"
he's on a diet - but slips over to the neighbours thru a gap in the balcony fence. they are also undoubtly putting a buffet on for him as well..