Becareful when terminating your contract with PCCW and confirm that autodebit is also cancelled, if you are using such service. We had a nightmare when we terminated PCCW, fighting with them and debt collection agency about funds we never owed them.
We informed PCCW 6 months before our 2 year contract end that we will not be rolling our contract, and did so several times more, up to 1 month before the end date of our contract. Coincidently we also cancelled our HSBC credit card at the same time we had our auto debit set up for PCCW payment, as we were getting away from this vicious bank (another long story).
1 month later after they collected our modem and stuff, we got an letter from PCCW that we are missing the last month payment as the auto debit was rejected. Worse is that the amount was larger than our normaly month payment, and the letter had no explanation on it.
We called PCCW, and they said that the system made an error and our contract was still alive in the system for autodebit (even after they took away our modem)!! Plus there was an additional fee charged for an missing modem stand for HKD 50. We argued that the PCCW agent who collected told us it's all fine and we signed a paper he gave us saying we returned everything. After a few long phone calls, PCCW said they sorted out everything and we do not owe them any money.
Then a few weeks later, we got an letter from a collection agency that we owe PCCW some money, and we had to go through the whole hell all over again with PCCW, and the collection agency who kept calling.
If we did not cancel our HSBC card at the time, PCCW would have jolly debited the amount from our credit card and would have been worse. We had a fight with HSBC who did not help us cancel any auto debits (one reason we cancelled our relationship with them) saying it's a problem between us and the vendor.