Typhoon 3, hope signal 10 is not far away

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  1. #151

    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    hong kong
    Quote Originally Posted by peacock:
    are you trying to piss me off, or to complement me with the wonderfull engineering we have been developing in our struggle with the water?
    I have no understanding how you might think I would piss you off. You have been here for a week and have NO IDEA about what a Typhoon or in this case a Tropical Storm that rates an 8 warning here, can do.

    You consider it to be likened to a force 10 storm. Well my friend I can tell you from personal experiance ( 25 yrs in the Navy riding force 10 storms ). Its a slight breeze compared to what an T8 warning can do. God forbid you ever have to suffer a T+10.

  2. #152

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fo Tan
    Quote Originally Posted by Star Gazer:
    yeah - it's called panic buying......
    I can't wait to live somewhere this doesn't happen. Last two places (VA, GA) if they even mentioned the possibility of snow, the grocery stores were emptied. Came back to school from Thanksgiving break one year (so nothing in the fridge) and they were predicting 2 whole inches of snow and the grocery store was empty. My roommate and I were both questionning whether we heard 2 inches or 2 feet.

  3. #153

    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Not friggin' Lamma no more!
    Quote Originally Posted by rafiqkhan:
    i hop there is always be have a work
    That's funny, I was thinking exactly the same thing!


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