I'm interested in buying a sampan, the sort that are used as water taxis in the various harbours around the territory....anyone know where to look?
I'm interested in buying a sampan, the sort that are used as water taxis in the various harbours around the territory....anyone know where to look?
Have you got a mooring organised for this?
Swing moorings in Hong Kong are like hen's teeth, let alone a hard mooring.
Bryant, I want one too, please PM me with any info you find, I'm sure it's possible (ignore the nay sayers)
Since you appear to live in sam shing, which is the "boatie capital of the nw nt" - walk out the door and ask anyone in those boat shops along the front. Sure you can get a lead from them.
Failing that, drive to sai kung or aberdeen and repeat proceSs.
But getting a license to drive one is not trivial either.
Moving, do you ever use your boat as a weekend get away etc or is it just a home permanently tied to the dock? I'm curious how hard/easy it is to actually get the permits / licenses to cruise around HK at leisure. If I employ a boatman to navigate through all the requirements is it possible?
The Hong Kong Sailing Federation conducts a pleasure vessel license course in English and they do the exams in house based on their own text books, so less confusion over the Chinglish used in the Government exam.