Who offers the best rates? Zone 1511 is about US 23c a minute.
I think thats very high considering a call to the US is about US 5cents a minute.
Any Indians out there with a better rate?
Who offers the best rates? Zone 1511 is about US 23c a minute.
I think thats very high considering a call to the US is about US 5cents a minute.
Any Indians out there with a better rate?
The problem is that the Indian telcos will charge US0.2+ just to terminate the call in India, so even if the HK and international part is almost free there is a floor price below which no-one can go.
try www.skype.com
Er, the Skype rate to phone lines in India is 0.138 or 0.151 Euros per minute depending on the phone you are calling, which is approximately 5 times higher than Zone1511's rate. Why would I want to use that?
Of ocurse Skype is "free" to other broadband connections if the person you wish to contact in India has one. But make the most of that while it lasts - the business model is completely unsustainable in the medium term.
(How many people remember the days of "free" internet access?)
can you suggest a calling card with a decent connection please? Have you used it? WHat cost ? Also where do you usually buy them from?