What about if you work from home?
walk (more than a few 100 meters)
Does anyone care?
I commute mostly by mtr, but also use my own bimmer maybe once/sometimes twice a week depending on my mood. The MTR is cheap and efficient, but there are days when I rather not be squeeze into that sardine can known as "MTR Rush hour". Driving gives me some precious time alone to think, and believe it or not, it is actually relaxing for me, despite the way HK drivers drive. Sure, I'll get tailgated, honk and get cut-off with impunity in HK, but I'm used to that by now and I'll be surprised if I don't encounter any of those behaviour when driving here.
I used to walk to work, but after I moved to Shatin and whilst I was still working in Wanchai, my daily routine involved taking the MTR to Hung Hom, walking from Hung Hom to TST, and then taking the Ferry. Sometimes if I had an early morning meeting somewhere other than Wanchai, I would also use taxi or tram.
Bus - Monday to Thursday
Run - Fridays and shower at the gym in my office - evening return is a mix of bus/minibus or Taxi depending on what I do in the evening and where I am.
it's good training (actually near Sham Tseng, not Sham Steng itself
) - hop on the star ferry and then finish by cool down on HK island.