is it expected? i've read that tipping taxi drivers is not expected but this is a much higher class of service (limos or benzs).
in the usa, 20% is pretty typical for car service. what about here?
is it expected? i've read that tipping taxi drivers is not expected but this is a much higher class of service (limos or benzs).
in the usa, 20% is pretty typical for car service. what about here?
If you can afford the services of a limo, it seems a bit out of kilta that you would even raise this question.
Tipping, even though it isnt expected here, is a matter of identifying a job well done,that being the case, a tip would be entirely at your discretion.
who wants to pay 20% extra if its not expected? obviously tipping is at my own discretion but for some things its pretty much required (such as in a restaurant in the usa, you are suppose to leave something even if you get subpar service). likewise tipping for car service in the usa is pretty much required.
Since when was the USA the yard stick that all other countries are to conform ?
Most countries don't expect you to tip.
Hong Kong is one of those cities, Australia, the UK inc most of the EU, don't tip unless it's deserved... Why should anyone get a tip when its not deserved, because it's a habit of the environment?
Tips should only be given, if you feel that the person receiving it, delivered above average levels of service, its entirely upto you as to how much you tip on a case by case basis.
You can tip what you feel is worthy, and if you developed a knowledge of the local customs, you will hand your tip over in a red pocket/envelope, whats known here as lai sei, which wont be opened in your presence, as its bad manners to do so.
So, at the end of the day, the amount you give as a tip, or dont give, is entirely up to you, here in Hong Kong.
Last edited by Skyhook; 22-09-2007 at 10:41 AM.