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Need Urgent Legal Advice, about excessive solicitor charges

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Grüne Hölle (CWB)

    I don't know exactly how it is in HK, but in the UK, you would have likely had to sign some kind of agreement at the outset of the relationship. Did you sign it? What did it say? And they would have checked yout passport ("know your client"), references, etc. Did they follow the correct procedures?

    The way you put it, this does sound OTT. If that's the case, the firm is probably just not "tuned in" to your frequency. One way to get their attention is to lodge a complaint: The Law Society of Hong Kong

    They won't likely ignore that...

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Thanks Lootoo. Yes they probably did their KYC and have my ID details. I don't recall signing anything, (but am not 100% sure) just gave them a check. subsequently they mailed some papers to me detailing their services.

    What is OTT? Thanks for the tip, will write to the society.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Grüne Hölle (CWB)

    OTT is Brit-speak for "over the top"; excessive. I don't know what you agreed to, but if these charges are out of line then there's no way you should just take it lying down. Bringing the world's second-oldest profession into dis-repute, tha' is...

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Thanks it certainly is OTT.
    My concern is that I am pressed for time (their notice to file case on Monday) and am not in HK, any proceedings in-absentia will typically go against me. resulting in this becoming a legally enforceable obligation on me.
    At this point this 2nd oldest profession is a very close 2nd. there should be warnings against LTD (legally transmitted diseases) for every contact with this profession..!!

    bookblogger likes this.

  5. #15

    They are trying to pull a fast one. Refuse to pay, saying you never agreed to further services. It is not worth there time to take you to court. Tell them you have already sought legal advise on this and remind them that you signed nothing in terms of the further services they provided.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    They will not take you to court. Period. For this amount of money the Judge will throw it out straight away, and your lawyers know that.

    They may file a small claims which is any dispute under 50k goes there.

    It doesn't look excessive charging though as most semi decent lawyer will charge 1,500 an hour in HK and senior will charge $2,500 an hour.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Hong Kong

    Can you maybe PM me.

    I may be able to suggest some ideas / suggestions. Please don't take anything I say as formal legal advice though. And before anyone asks I'm doing this pro bono if the OP does contact me.

    Am busy this weekend, so might not be able to reply until Monday.

    dipper likes this.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    This is a civil matter. There is no question of the matter going on records for Immigration or police. If they file a case against you, the notice has to be served on you. Normally they will send it to your last known address in HK. The matter will come up after about couple of months at the earliest. If you are not in HK and want to file a defence, you can write to the court, explaining that you are overseas and advising the court your date of return and request time to file the defence after your return. If you have left HK for good, then of course it does not matter.

  9. #19

    There is an official complaint mechanism you can use in the High Court. It is called "having your bill taxed". More information here:

    Hong Kong Legal Profession