Hi - can anyone recommend a good removal company + reasonable price.
Hi - can anyone recommend a good removal company + reasonable price.
where are your move from & to ?
Just what exractly do you mean by reasonable anyway?
The big names like crown or santa fe provide more reliable services of course which come at a cost you may or may not consider reasonable......But since local moves are fairly intuitive & straightforward I believe a smaller local operation will do nicely.
If you see ad of a particular mover it never hurts to touch base with them and ask for a quotation. You can always turn down the offer if you find the price unacceptable. Try at least several of them to get the best price.
If you are dealing with a local property agent where you are moving to then ask them. They usually know a good company who are used to delivering into that area. That's what we did in the past with excellent results.
I would consider Links. Seems to be more international, but a bit more expensive than the likes of Yan Yan, but cheaper than the likes of Crown or Santa Fe.