Cancelling PCCW Contract - Need Advice

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Cancelling PCCW Contract - Need Advice

    I am so frustrated and am in need of some advice. We currently have a PCCW contract for broadband service that we need to terminate. We are moving out of the country and we really didn't have much time to prepare.

    On 12/13, I called PCCW to terminate the contract. They said the only way to do this is by completing a form that they have to mail to me. They said they can't begin the process until they have the form. On 12/16, I receive the form and mail it back to them. Yesterday, 12/27, I still haven't heard from them so I call and they say they never received it in the mail. I said well..that isn't my fault that your process is slow and low tech. They won't schedule an appt to have someone pick up the box until they receive the form. I drop off a copy of the termination form I mailed them today in the store in CWB and they earliest time they can schedule someone to pick it the box is Jan. 4th. I move out tomorrow and leave the country the next day! I asked if there is any place I can drop off the box and pay the cancellation fee...they say no and suggest I leave the box with a friend and they will pick it up. I estimate that to break the contract, I owe them about $1500 HKD. I suggest to the PCCW rep, why don't I just mail the box and the money I owe? They said they don't recommend it. I tell them that I am just trying to do the right thing here by properly cancelling the contract and paying but there is NO place to actually do this.

    It is so much easier at this point to just leave without paying the money but my conscience wants to do the right thing in case we ever move back.

    What are the implications of me just leaving? I am cancelling the credit card tomorrow that PCCW charges the monthly amount to.

    I am tempted to just send it in the mail to whoever the president of the company is even though the rep doesn't think it's a good idea.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cramped island

    no implication. just go.
    they can do whatever they want but it's their own 'troublesome for client' system that's going to hit them.

    u shld bail out without paying for a few months as well! ehhee

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    I am with freeier. Just cancel the card and leave the country.

    PCCW is a bloody nightmare and even for people like you who are trying to do the right thing, they cause hassles which is just not on.

    I would still write the letter to their customer services dept expressing your frustration BUT would not mail them the chq or the modem. Let them figure it out !

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Yea agree with the guys above, cancel the card and tell them if you get ANY kind of letter from ANYONE (collection agency, etc) you'll bring the matter to HKPD for criminal intimidation and tell them to expect to get sued.

    I recently moved to a place (Harbourview Horizon) where they ONLY offer services by Hutchison so I told PCCW I have to cancel it because the management won't let ppl install PCCW stuff at their building. Anyway, my wife called before me and they made her jump through hoops in Chinese like you with the forms and BS. Then I called back in English and they said no problem, just let one of our techs come to phyiscally check that they cannot install the equipment and they'll make a note of it and cancel the contract with no penalities. Anyway, yea the guy showed up a month later (I told the lady over the phone that I am not going to pay anything after I have officially cancelled it) and they cancelled my contract.

    It's such BS, it seems they don't have any solid policy or anyone who's actually in charge. What a crap ass company...

    Guess one advice is to make sure you ask whoever speaks to you their name and employee number (which is a general tip for everything if you want someone to give special attention to your orders because otherwise they think you can never hunt them down afterwards).

    Good lucks.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    >> name and employee number

    And their supervisor's name and number so that you can "send them a letter of appreciation"...