Bad hair and teeth

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Exclamation Bad hair and teeth

    I am horrified by the number of people (especially women) with bad hair and teeth everywhere in HK.

    Common symptoms:
    Thinning hair, exposed scalp
    Bad, partial dye job
    Half perm
    "Old lady" hair style
    Discolored teeth
    Crooked teeth

    Simply horrified. Is there any government effort being made to teach oral hygiene and hair care to the locals?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Mid Levels

    I personally love the look of the half perm or beans on toast as my old hairdresser used to call it

    The bad teeth never ceases to surprise me though - whichever nationality. You see a well dressed woman / man who clearly has a few spare $$$$ and she has too many teeth making them really crooked and they are often discoloured. before I spend any money on make-up/ hair/ handbag I would make sure I had a nice / straight / white ( not hollywood white just unstained) smile. It somehow just gives an overall look of good health..... IMO

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    These are symptomatic of not being as superficial as Americans, and being cheap. A popular view is not wanting to waste the money on such "trivial" matters, rather give it to their children's education and well being.

    Crooked teeth whilst not glamorous does not imply bad oral hygiene.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by chowfun:
    I am horrified by the number of people (especially women) with bad hair and teeth everywhere in HK.
    This is the most pathetically transparent attempt at sh*t stirring I have seen here for ages. Why don't you try a more imaginative topic, like the Olympics?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMoo:
    These are symptomatic of not being as superficial as Americans, and being cheap. A popular view is not wanting to waste the money on such "trivial" matters, rather give it to their children's education and well being.

    Crooked teeth whilst not glamorous does not imply bad oral hygiene.

    Maybe not, but some of the ghastlier teeth just CANNOT be the product of good oral hygiene.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    I don't get the "bad hair" part.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jgl:
    This is the most pathetically transparent attempt at sh*t stirring I have seen here for ages. Why don't you try a more imaginative topic, like the Olympics?
    Why so angry, my man? Is anyone pointing a gun at you making you read this thread and reply?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Mid Levels

    I would not waste money on bleaching unless my teeth were badly stained but i would spend money on my teeth before buyong designer handbags/ clothes etc as I think it gives a good overall impression.

    Crooked teeth does not imply bad oral heygine but surely bad and badly stained teeth do.....

    I personally watch people mouths carefully esp if i can not fully understand what they are saying or if you are in a noisy bar/restaurant and to be quite honest i would not want to continue watching someones mouth if they have terrible teeth.....

    I had braces as a child to correct crooked teeth after a bike accident and don't think of it as 'superficial' . a nice smile gives confidence and that follows you through to all areas of your life.
    And I am not a 'superficial American' and if taking care of my teeth makes me a 'superficial Brit' then so be it...

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    The thinning hair thing on Ladies

    What are they supposed to do? They're not likely to shave it all off like most men would do.

    And you really don't expect them to wear a bandana or a head scarf do you?

    As to whats previously been said. Its the cost and not everybody in this town can afford $$$ on Hairdressers, Dentists etc.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by chowfun:
    Why so angry, my man? Is anyone pointing a gun at you making you read this thread and reply?
    Just a low tolerance for in-your-face mediocrity.

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