TopModels Agency??

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  1. #11

    Basically you should avoid any agency that asks for money from you. If you're good the agency will make money off you and you don't have to pay them anything.

    Was spotted by a friend of a friend who worked in a talent agency. Went in and they took some photos and general details like height, etc. and then they put my photos forward for some jobs. Finally got one for a TV commercial which they paid me for. I didn't have to pay them a dime for any of it.

    Depending on the work involved some agencies will try to fill their books with all different types of people as sometimes 'every man' or 'every woman' types are wanted for TV commercials. Just look at the TV adverts in HK and you'll see they're not all your stereotypical model types. For print ads and catwalks it's different.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by CV666:
    I would suggest if someone out there would like to enter the entertainment industry, they can try their luck in TVB by mailing their personal CV to Steven, or enter the TVB artists course, Miss Hong Kong or Mr. Hong Kong pageants.
    I'm sure you'd be much better looking than the boys we saw on Mr Hong Kong last Saturday night!

  3. #13

    put it this way.

    if you're actually attractive enough to be a model that agents genuinely approach you in public, then why aren't you one already?

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Hong Kong

    to be honest, most models are not that attractive... they are just freaky and "unique".

    i see so many beautiful girls on the street everyday who are much more attractive than models like kate moss, heidi klum, etc etc.

  5. #15

    being 'unique'-looking is better than being plain. models need to have a memorable look, and your average pretty girl on the street just looks like, well, every other pretty girl on the street. forgetable. boring. not unattractive, but not strikingly good looking either.