Am very happy to be able to meet you all - can't wait for Friday now
Am very happy to be able to meet you all - can't wait for Friday now
So, I count:
Know it all
David HK
Dicey + 1
Me + 1
How about anyone else? How are we going to know each other??!!
That's the tricky part.. I guess KIA has to circulate his photo so you can all recognize him :P Anyway he will suggest a way, like he did last time.
nothing has happened so far this week to stop me comming along, still there is a whole day of mayhem tomorrow!
Dolce Vita isnt very big, and opens out onto the street so I don't think finding us will be a proplem. KIA has a new geoexpat person 6th sense so he'll spot you from the other end of the street
Look for me towards the front of the bar.
Should be the only Indian guy there, should be there with a couple of other non-geo people.
Will PM a few people with my #
hey you all! dolce vita it is!! ill be there...
shri - got your number and sent a reply... though your inbox is full and does not accept anymore messages....
well see you there at 7
We'll probably get there around eight. Would one of the more punctual geoexpats tell the barkeeper where you are located in the venue? So that lost sheep may find the flock.
PMed you my number incase you get lost, or we move around a bit.