I don't own a cell phone so maybe....

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    In the Lair of the Village Idiot's Apprenctice

    I don't own a cell phone so maybe....

    I don't own a cell phone so maybe, I cannot see the endless possibilites for this latest accessory. But it still looks creepy to me


    perhaps a geopat who has been using this for ages could fill me in

  2. #2

    I can only think of 1 and only 1 use girls in skirts beware !

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Sai Kung

    A moving cell phone.....

    You'd need to be careful, a guy was arrested last week in Yau Ma Tei for taking pictures up womens skirts......

    Apparently the police found a lot of upskirt pictures on his phone which they believe he was uploading to sites on the interenet - you have been warned.......

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Mind your own f**k'n business!

    What a totally stupid marketing idea by Sony Ericsson. I'll put money on it that these are banned within 6 months.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Not friggin' Lamma no more!
    Quote Originally Posted by jaykay:
    You'd need to be careful, a guy was arrested last week in Yau Ma Tei for taking pictures up womens skirts......

    Apparently the police found a lot of upskirt pictures on his phone which they believe he was uploading to sites on the interenet - you have been warned.......
    Wow! They must have been great pictures- i know all the drunk pictures i've been sent the morning after are always such good quality you can make out exactly who everyone is! Not!
    but yes, this Sony Ericsson thing is stupid, stupid, stupid.