names of good but affordable family law lawyers please in Hong Kong ? pursuing a non payment of child maintenance case. also is this the only way to get maintenance paid in HK by a persistent non payer? starting a legal case?
names of good but affordable family law lawyers please in Hong Kong ? pursuing a non payment of child maintenance case. also is this the only way to get maintenance paid in HK by a persistent non payer? starting a legal case?
Check out Government legal aid department. If you qualify they will file the case on your behalf.
Ok I have had a lot of legal work done recently related to family matters but not maintenance . I found Roy liu of ng and fang solicitors jaffe Rd wanchai to be good : Australian Chinese ' not expensive
Thanks so much will call Roy. Yes going thru legal aide but they handed me a list of over 1000 lawyers. Many already know, any too expensive and useless, used HWG before , orders not worth the paper they were written on.