Any suggestions for a good & cheap way of making phone to phone calls from HK to UK Cell phones?
Do phone cards generally give better rates? Which ones?
Any suggestions for a good & cheap way of making phone to phone calls from HK to UK Cell phones?
Do phone cards generally give better rates? Which ones?
I use skype for most international calls to cell or land phones:
Skype 官方網站 - 現在免費下載 Skype 進行免費通話和網際網路通話
S/he asked for "phone to phone" calls. Are you running Skype on an unlimited data package on your mobile? Even so, your charge is HK$1.999/min with rounding up to the next minute, which isn't exactly market leading.
Last edited by PDLM; 05-10-2008 at 07:57 PM.
can use a skype handset no? s/she didn't specify if s/he'll be calling out from a mobile or not. if so... my bad.
thanks Eddy & PDLM. I would prefer using my cell phone to make the calls rather than the hassle of a PC.
btw, its a he.