Or how do you call them? I have some wisdom teeth that need to go urgent, (but had to leave my home country for Hong Kong to schedule an appointment there). Anybody know of any adresses where i can have this done?
Or how do you call them? I have some wisdom teeth that need to go urgent, (but had to leave my home country for Hong Kong to schedule an appointment there). Anybody know of any adresses where i can have this done?
Just had one of mine removed two days ago.
This guy is in TST
Stanley Ho
B1, GF, Carnival Mansion
15B Austin Ave, TST
Tel 27217328
He charges $600 -$800 for wisdom teeth removal. The guy has the latest gear from Europe and speakes perfect english. The nursesin this place are hot...
So I guess I better be going there tonight and have some of my teeth pulled out instead of going for a happy hourOriginally Posted by tstexpat:
Imagine all the nurses going "We work for Stanley Ho" .. "We wear nurses uniforms..." .. and their friends going "yeah right .. wink wink nudge nudge".