This whole full time helper thing (along with babies, etc) is all new to us and trying to navigate the joys of being an employer.
Helper has asked for an advance of about half her salary to pay for her kid's school fees. Salary is due in two weeks time. She says if we don't give her the advance she will find it by other means. "Other means" I hope is not a loan shark. Now I appreciate helpers don't earn a lot of money, but at the same time I expect an adult to manage their financial affairs on their own. If this was first time salary, I would understand. I will probably give the money to the helper but want to understand other peoples thoughts and maybe look at options of taking collateral (I'm not talking about holding her passport or anything).
Other question is that helper will come with us on summer holidays. The boss is worried helper could run away. Reality is this is a risk we would have to take on by having the privilege of being able to take a helper with us. Short of holding onto her passport is there anything else we can do to mitigate any risk (again, have no intention of holding onto her passport)?