Where can I locate information related to patent applications in HK ?
Does HK have any cross patent protection with other countries in the world ?
Where can I locate information related to patent applications in HK ?
Does HK have any cross patent protection with other countries in the world ?
One needs to apply for patents separately, each country has a different system.
As usual JAHerbert is talking bollocks. HK (as an office within China) is one of the designated national authorities under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. There is a well-defined mechanism for making international patent applications which is described here: http://www.wipo.int/pct/guide/en/index.htmlOriginally Posted by JAherbert:
Thank you !
Wow. I notice that it is a lot cheaper to file a patent in HK than in US.
Thank you again.
Wing, if your idea is worth the billions you think it is, talk to a lawyer. Don't use forums to do your reasearch. The initial investment is worth it.
Also, if it is a tech related patent.. read up more about technology related issues on bitlaw.com, specifically...
Also recommend reading this article from Yale.
PCT is about preserving the right to apply from what I gather ...