Finding Older Friends

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Finding Older Friends

    Hi everyone,

    I am going to be relocating to Hong Kong in July. I am single, American, and as much as I hate to admit it, middle-aged.
    Are there any groups that include people in their 40's?

    I have done some research and see that there are clubs and associations for Americans (and American women) and wondered if anyone is familiar with any of them.


  2. #2

    Finding Older Friends!

    Hi Kath,
    I've fairly recently moved to HK myself, am also single & "middle-aged" (though not in spirit!). I'm British, working at the British Council here in Hong Kong, so I don't have any information about the American clubs you mentioned. However, if you'd like to get together for a coffee when you arrive, please feel free to contact me.
    Good luck with your re-location!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    We're pretty familiar with them ... we even host their website.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2004
    Hong Kong

    And a number of us here are in our 40s.

    The FCC is a great place to meet older people; some of them are a bit "eccentric" though
    You don't need to be a Correspondent to join (or foreign)