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  • 2 Post By drumbrake
  • 1 Post By bak875

UK to HK stamped return envelope

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    UK to HK stamped return envelope

    We need to send from HK to the UK a paid-for stamped envelope so that our documents can be returned to us from the UK to HK.

    How can we get UK Royal Mail stamps worth ~£8-10 in Hong Kong so that we can prepare the return envelope and mail all our documents together?

    Is there any kind of little shop in HK offering a service to sale stamps for the UK?

    We will ask a friend in the UK if they can purchase them and mail it to us, but this will take time, and we're on a tight time limit as the documents are time-sensitive.

    We also asked HK post and they only offer an international voucher which can be redeemed at Royal Mail for stamps, but we're concerned that this will be disregarded by the UK consulate we're sending the documents to (they won't be bothered to go to a post office and exchange it for the stamps... they're lazy bastards!).

    Or do any of you out there by chance have stamps worth this much that we could buy for a premium?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    I had to get documents sent from a consulate in London back to Hong Kong. The consulate allowed me to add the courier fee (DHL) to the total cost of the UK sterling banker's draft. Perhaps contact the consulate and see if that is possible.

    emx and Elegiaque like this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Thanks @drumbrake. We're not sending a banker's draft because we're not paying anything. They say specifically they want an envelope with stamps (and nothing else). They've been terribly unresponsive and returning our emails with very vague answers that don't answer our questions (it's the French consulate).

    Best thing we could do is if we could just get these bloody Royal Mail stamps here in HK and prepare the A5 envelope as specified.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Original Post Deleted
    We did that in fact. We lost our money. Once purchased, it's only valid a few days. (Sorry, forgot to add that point to my OP.)

    We are really stumped with this one. :/
    Last edited by Elegiaque; 25-07-2020 at 03:47 PM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Original Post Deleted
    We don't have very good friends in the UK, so this is asking a bit much. Would be far easier if we could just get the stamps here in HK so it's all prepared and can go straight to the French consulate in the UK.

    Someone has kindly offered me some stamps here, so that's great to have this option! This may sort this all out.

    There is a Hong Kong Post Stamp online shop and they sell what looks like UK collectors stamps. Does anyone know if these stamps are valid stamps?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    You can buy International Reply Coupons and send them with your letter. Whoever receives the coupon can then exchange the coupons for sufficient UK stamps to return the item to you. The only annoying thing is the recipient will still have to go to a post office branch to redeem the coupon.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    I was in a similar situation the Consulate I was dealing with UAE in London specified to use a courier.

    I used FedEx multiple pick and drop with 1 tracking number. Expensive but got the job done.

    Elegiaque likes this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    @Deleted User very kindly provided me with sufficient old UK stamps. He was very kind to help out like this! It was the *only* solution we found. So a win for geo.

    We're still waiting for this oh-so-important letter to come back from the UK. Fingers crossed it all works out...

    And boys and girls, get all your marriage certificates, visas in all the countries you have citizenship sorted early. Learn your spouse's language... don't delay some ten years like us and realize how easier it would have been if we had just taken care of it immediately.