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Looking for compost worms

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  1. #1

    Looking for compost worms

    Hi all,
    I have searched online relentlessly for compost worms to start a small compost in my flat. Any suggestion/ideas welcome!

  2. #2

    Relentless searching for apartment compost worms just made me spit food all over my laptop.

    No idea but wow what a hobby!

    Elegiaque likes this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Do you have a small balcony? There are black soldier flies here which do a fantastic job. They just appear naturally.

    Bokashi is also a great apartment composting system.

  4. #4

    Thanks for your reply
    I have a small balcony but with lots of plants already so I am a bit reluctant to use flies.
    If I cannot find worms I'll probably use the Bokashi system indeed, do you happen to know where I could find the active component to it (I think it's a powder)?

  5. #5

    Does regular earthworm work the same? if so, you can try digging your own. Some fishing stores might sell worms too.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    "Composting" worms tend to die in the heat in the summer here. I've heard it can be quite difficult to manage. I don't know where to get them, but it's best to ask gardening groups for someone who already has some that work here. With composting worms you also have to manage what you put in, too, I think.

    Black soldier flies are not really any different than "worms" and if you just start composting on your balcony, they'll just appear sooner or later. They are excellent composters and are even being used industrially. I do this on my balcony with two buckets stacked together. The "inner" bucket, where I put the food waste, has holes in it for liquid to drip. It fills up fast and actually breaks down fast (I move it into a "waiting" bucket before I mix the compost with my plants). The flies are hardly noticeable. Smell isn't a problem. Hope you might try it.

    For bokashi, I've heard you can buy it at the Flower Market. It's a bit expensive ($60/1-2l pack?), so maybe it's not possible to do it properly (anaerobic). There's a crazy "closed ecological systems" guy that once did a workshop on how to make it from rice bran -- very fascinating, wish I could do it myself.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiaque:
    "Composting" worms tend to die in the heat in the summer here. I've heard it can be quite difficult to manage. I don't know where to get them, but it's best to ask gardening groups for someone who already has some that work here. With composting worms you also have to manage what you put in, too, I think.

    Black soldier flies are not really any different than "worms" and if you just start composting on your balcony, they'll just appear sooner or later. They are excellent composters and are even being used industrially. I do this on my balcony with two buckets stacked together. The "inner" bucket, where I put the food waste, has holes in it for liquid to drip. It fills up fast and actually breaks down fast (I move it into a "waiting" bucket before I mix the compost with my plants). The flies are hardly noticeable. Smell isn't a problem. Hope you might try it.

    For bokashi, I've heard you can buy it at the Flower Market. It's a bit expensive ($60/1-2l pack?), so maybe it's not possible to do it properly (anaerobic). There's a crazy "closed ecological systems" guy that once did a workshop on how to make it from rice bran -- very fascinating, wish I could do it myself.
    Interesting. Do you keep your buckets uncovered to let the flies in? Also how can you control the type of flies the compost would attract? what if you get regular house flies or fruit flies instead?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by gataloca:
    Interesting. Do you keep your buckets uncovered to let the flies in? Also how can you control the type of flies the compost would attract? what if you get regular house flies or fruit flies instead?
    It's covered (but cover has holes). No idea how they get in. I just let nature do it's thing.

    I dunno why but there isn't an issue with house flies or fruit flies. There may be some, but they don't seem to cause any disturbance -- I haven't really noticed. Black soldier flies do make a smell and it looks disgusting to see all the worms crawling... but overall I don't smell it on my balcony and it just works quickly.

    There is a good gardening Facebook group based in Sai Kung. You might want to look them up if you use FB and connect with them for advice or try to get suitable worms. Balconies tend to be quite sheltered, but you'd need a very shady cool spot for worms.

    I suggest you just try with some buckets you can get at any shop and see how it goes. If it doesn't work, then just toss it...
    gataloca likes this.

  9. #9

    Thanks, I'll try that for sure. Do you need to source the flies or just put food out in a covered bucket and wait for them to come in?
    Watching a few videos online it looks like the buckets I've purchased for the worm composting can be used for black soldier flies as well!

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by fabien1984:
    Thanks, I'll try that for sure. Do you need to source the flies or just put food out in a covered bucket and wait for them to come in?
    Watching a few videos online it looks like the buckets I've purchased for the worm composting can be used for black soldier flies as well!
    I think they will just start appearing. They come and go a bit with mine. Sometimes it looks like it's out of a horror movie, other times they seem to be away on holiday. I think when spring hits soon they'll definitely be there! Give it time... and yes, I think any old bucket/container will work! Have you got a convenient little nozzle to get the compost juice from the bottom?
    they will just die in the summer heat... I mean, maybe worth trying, but from what I've heard, it's unlikely to work.

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