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MTR door queuing strategies

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  1. #1

    MTR door queuing strategies

    I don't like que jumpers. I don't like que jumpers who jump right next to me. And I definitely don't like que jumpers who do it in front of a bunch of people and then get in the way of everyone trying to get off the train.

    So I've been trying to stop it. I'll share my strategies now:

    1) This only works if you get to the door first.
    Stand right in the middle in a wide stance. When the door opens turn sideways to let people off the train. Don't look at your phone.
    This usually works. People can see your body language and follow your lead. Even a big group of people.
    It's not perfect though.

    2) when the door opens, put your arm in front of the queue jumper to stop them going inside. This has worked for me when there's lot of people wanting to get off the train.

    3) with a friend, stand on the correct queuing arrows and hold hands across the out arrow. When the door opens, drop hands and turn sideways.
    This is the best but you need a friend to do it.

    Other ideas:
    Use a walking stick.
    Grab them by the scruff of the collar.

    So far it seems to be older Chinese ladies.

    Roast me.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hong Kong, from UK
    Quote Originally Posted by UniqueUserName:
    Roast me.
    The word you're looking for is queue.
    ByeByeEngland, emx, AliT and 9 others like this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Sai Kung
    Quote Originally Posted by vmlinuz:
    The word you're looking for is queue.
    Maybe squawking like a bird then shouting ‘que, que, que’ is an alternative strategy?
    Mrs. Jones likes this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Pampanga, Philippines

    My strategy was from inside the train getting off. I used to play number 8 (rugby) at school and I found standing in the middle of the door as it opened and pushing against the opposition scrum with arms outstretched was very effective at taking the queue jumpers by surprise. Would love to do it with a full scrum!

    That or a baby stroller to take their ankles out.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hong Kong, from UK
    Quote Originally Posted by hullexile:
    My strategy was from inside the train getting off. I used to play number 8 (rugby) at school and I found standing in the middle of the door as it opened and pushing against the opposition scrum with arms outstretched was very effective at taking the queue jumpers by surprise. Would love to do it with a full scrum!
    Same same, except I was a prop

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    1. look at your phone
    2. as soon as door opens push in without regard to anyone wanting to get off

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2013
    West of the sun


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  8. #8

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    Befriend the frailest old lady at the platform.
    When the train arrives, stick with her. Those ladies take no prisoners.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    If the passenger in front of me doesn't follow the guides of where to stand they really are fair game to be pushed past...
    aw451, tf19, jayinhongkong and 1 others like this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    The FF'ing arrows in HK are so shit.

    They basically encourage selfish HKers (of which there are many) to stand inside the span of the doors, restricting the flow out of the train to a single file, and the FF'ing useless MTR platform staff just allow this charade to go on, day in day out, year after year.

    Singapore is so much smarter in how they handle this. I say 'smart', but really it's obvious to anyone but the most basic of morons about what needs be done. So why is it the Chinese people who learn English as a first language are so much more intelligent than those that don't?

    As for strategies in HK, whilst the MTR continues to be so dumb and so many HK'ers continue to be such selfish gits, the only properly effective way is to have 1 person on either side of the door prepared to wait until those exiting have gotten off.

    No matter how hard I train HK people to push back against the rude one's trying to push onto the train there's another 7,695,000 who just aim at the polite ones rather than dealing with the twats.

    I have also grabbed a few by the scruff of the neck in years gone by.

    These days I mostly just tell those who stand directly in front of the doors (MTR or lift) to stand to the side.

    Last edited by Sage; 04-04-2021 at 01:58 PM. Reason: Pictures not uploading
    Sith and AsianXpat0 like this.

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