They passed it already actually to collection agency and the agency is now asking me to pay certain amount which I don’t have right now..I am trying to tell them that i can probably pay by April if i start to work on March…but they said no,i have to pay before chinese new year..i am not going to run away and I’m not planning not pay,but they are not so friendly and not so considerate…
my other concern is that,i am still currently employed to the company that sponsored me here in hongkong,they are nice people, when i told them i have to stay with my children as my helper is in the hospital they agreed and told me i can go back to work whenever my helper is back,…my helper have to have a full recovery and she will be back last week of February….my concern is that if i cannot pay my loan till April they will sue me…i will be applying my residency on June,will the immigration grant me the residency if the bank will sue me?…
QUOTE=er2;3846630]If you actually took a loan from a bank / regulated financial institution then there are rules of engagement around this. I do not know if they are allowed to visit your residence, but you would not have to allow them entry. If you took a loan from a loan shark then yes, there might be trouble. On the upside, you're not legally on the hook for the money, on the downside they will come and harass you, and in this case you might need to look for advise from people who know about this stuff - I don't
Generally, you might have made a mistake by not engaging enough with the bank - non-payment in November usually wouldn't send a loan to collections in January if communication is happening. Since it is with collections, my advise would be to either \
- stoically tell them no, can't pay now, will be able to pay in March, and then in March say that you will pay if they give you an acceptable payment plan (i.e. one without outrageous interest)
- find alternative sources of credit (family), and then tell the collectors that if you are to pay now, it has to be 50c on the dollar because you'd have to get family to extend a loan to you. They won't accept 50% yet but they might accept 75%. Push.[/QUOTE]