There will not be any providers who are junk free, that’s a given, it may however be interesting to compare frequency and see if any providers do any better, (I doubt it)
I’m with Three, I’ll make this observation:
1) ALL SMS I receive are fairly spammy, I usually have 95% of SMS’s unread at any given time.
They are either bank notifications regarding transactions, or bills notifications from service providers or promotions from the same service providers like Pccw, three themselves, ICable, and Government bullshit too, interspersed with the odd pure Chinese Spam. (Maybe 1 in 10)
On WhatsApp I get around 3-10 new chats from potential clients per day (I.e unrecognised new numbers) but maybe only 1-2 chinese junk message per week and this for a number I’ve had or over 20 years under both three and Smarttone.