I thought this might be fun and informative...
List your 5 top sites in any order. They can be about anything. There's no need to add Geoexpat 'cos we already know we're all addicted. Short descriptions would be nice too...
1 Damn Interesting. A kind of boy's own website for grown men (ahem). Fascinating historical tidbits, cars of the future, space exploration, and lots more.
2 The Straight Dope. Resident genius Cecil answers questions about anything. Full stop. Lots of archives.
3 The Economist. Well, you know what this is. Economics, finance, politics, current affairs & comment. Smart and always interesting.
4 Overcoming Bias. All about overcoming cognitive bias and behaving more rationally. More interesting than it sounds, I promise!
5 Foreign Policy Passport. A blog by Foreign Policy staff. A casual and often humorous look at world news. My second click of the day, after the BBC.