Looking for a babysitter

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Looking for a babysitter

    Hi! is there any experienced babysitter who can watch my baby(15mths) twice a week? Only for Mon & Wed nights.
    Or if there's any helper who works full time for someone and has spare time in the evening to babysit?
    If there's any advice how I can find someone, please sene me a message!

    Last edited by mirian; 23-01-2009 at 06:21 PM.

  2. #2

    PM'd you :3

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    hong kong, NT

    hi, do u still need a baby sitter?
    i am interested, what time u need it for?

  4. #4


    Just p'md you Mirian - have First Aide and CPR.