want to change my name on ID

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    want to change my name on ID

    for some personal reasons i would like to change my name (both chinese and english). besides ID / passport, it seems that its gonna affect everything ... like driving license, us visa, the apartment, the company, the car, insurance, bank account etc etc, just cant name it all

    does anyone have similar experience or any suggestion how to make things easier?? are there any secretary service at law firms that will do everything for and i just sign the papers??

    (I am pretty impressed that the expats here seem to know hk better than the locals. so id better ask here first)

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    I have to say that one look at this was what caused Mrs PDLM and I to agree that she wouldn't change her name when we got married. There seems very little point and the bureaucracy is huge (particularly when some of it is in The Philippines in her case).

    So I'm afraid this is one that I can't offer much advice on, except to say, obviously, that you need to start with a Deed Poll to change your name (I believe any solicitor can do this for a fee somewhere in the range $500-$1500), then get the passport and HKID done first; these two at least require you to attend in person, so you can't delegate them.

    Last edited by PDLM; 17-02-2009 at 02:34 PM.