Haldiram and other Indian Snacks

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  1. #1

    Haldiram and other Indian Snacks

    Folks - I just moved to HK from Florida. I am trying to find Indian stores that carry unexpired Haldiram and other Indiann snacks (Numkeens). So far, my forays into TST have only resulted in stores with moldy spices and long expired packages of Indian snacks. Any suggestions as to where I can find fresh Haldiram and other Indian groceries will be welcome.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    I know in TST lots of indian provision shops.I guess u have to look around.There are few in Chung King Mansion and i know Maharajas in Carnavon Rd. Check it out.Where do u live by the way?as there are nepali shops too who sells indian stuff Jordan,Wan chai and in central.Goodluck

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    There is a shop in Mirador mansion (TST) that has Haldiram stuff (and I think it is a authorised outlet). Name Kiran stores I think.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    In the Lair of the Village Idiot's Apprenctice

    fresh Haldiram and other Indian groceries

    New Delhi Store -Ground floor-Chungking - has good turnover so fresh stuff is assured AND they deliver

    Amul milk and cheese from the plains of Gujrat is their latest offering and cheaper then the local stuff


  5. #5

    Thanks guys (and/or gals). Very useful information. Will save me making regular pilgrimage to Injah and coming back laden with spices. Kowloon Tong, where I live, does not seem to have any decent or otherwise Indian restaurants or stores.

    Quote Originally Posted by kombuchakid:
    New Delhi Store -Ground floor-Chungking - has good turnover so fresh stuff is assured AND they deliver

    Amul milk and cheese from the plains of Gujrat is their latest offering and cheaper then the local stuff


  6. #6

    Flor: You are the second person who mentioned Nepali shops to me for fresher stuff. Curious - any reason why Nepali shops do well in the freshness department?

    Quote Originally Posted by flor:
    I know in TST lots of indian provision shops.I guess u have to look around.There are few in Chung King Mansion and i know Maharajas in Carnavon Rd. Check it out.Where do u live by the way?as there are nepali shops too who sells indian stuff Jordan,Wan chai and in central.Goodluck