Need recommendation for helper's employment agency

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Need recommendation for helper's employment agency

    Unfortunately, we are forced to use an employment agency if we want to hire our current helper's daughter who is still in the Philippines.

    I have heard so many bad stories about bad agencies. Could someone please recommend an agency that has gotten the job done correctly, without massive delays or hidden costs?

    I have already spoken to several, and they have given me many different stories... what should I believe?!


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hong Kong

    When we hired our helper, we asked her to find an agency in Manila, which had a HK office. She asked around and found one. The agencies already have the HK Employment contracts there, she signed it, and they couriered it to the HK agency along with her passport copy etc. I went in to the office here, and signed the contract, paid the fees approx $3K and they managed the paperwork. It takes 6 weeks. Can't remember the name of the agency.

  3. #3

    Don't forget about domestic helper insurance. Costs under $800 for a year or about $1400 for two years from an insurance company.