Well, I bought 2 boxes of Twinings tea to change from Lipton, and it tasted.. hum...
Nobody in my office finished it...
Is it us or this tea is really bad?
Well, I bought 2 boxes of Twinings tea to change from Lipton, and it tasted.. hum...
Nobody in my office finished it...
Is it us or this tea is really bad?
Twinings herbal teas suck, in my opinion. Prefer Celestial Seasonings from the US, if you can put up with all their folksy, hippie bulls**t.
Well, we tried the lemon tea today (I bought 2boxes!!
Like my team mates say "it's not as bad as the apple tea, but it's still very bad"
I'll get some sugar tomorrow...
If anyone is interested, I have 2 boxes to offer
An intern bought some of that tea last summer and no-one since has touched it. I tried it once; it's vile.
Twinings' peppermint tea is decent (though I prefer St Dalfour FWIW).
Where is a good place to purchase Twinings tea? I am looking for lapsang souchong in teabags, specifically.
Have you guys figured out where you are going wrong yet?
It's tastes vile because ITS NOT TEA!!!! It's some herbal infusion muck.
If you want TEA, buy TEA.....