Agree that it's generally safe. The only place I've had food poisoning here was McDonald's. (a cheeseburger, quite cold, four days of stomach cramps followed)
I do wonder though when I see people washing vegetables in back alleys, amongst the rubbish bins with God-knows-what dripping down and warnings about rat poison plastered everywhere. If they dropped some choi sum on the ground, would they just sling it back in? Of course they would.
Never had any problem with food poisoning here. If I can survive some of the very dubious things in my fridge I have decided to risk, I can probably survive anything.
I think the food safety standards here are pretty good in spite of the grubby back alleys and the large rat/cockroach population.
The only thing I do wonder about sometimes is the proximity of wash-rooms to eating areas in some of HK's small eateries.
Well, we can just take that one all the way to how some countries (Say, mine for instance) have become so enamored with protecting people from themselves that they've corrupted natural selection.
Stupid people are supposed to die; it's how the species evolves. Increases in immune deficiency are bad, but decreasing intellect is more likely to send us to extinction.