Hi guys,
I'm brand new to HK, just arrived from Australia on exchange at HKBU doing a journalism degree... and since this site has many knowledgeable voices was wondering if you could throw some ideas and thoughts my way.
China's National day's coming up and whilst everyone is celebrating, I was wondering how do you show your patriotism whilst far from 'home'? Do you participate in local events? Do you celebrate by meeting mates for beers at the pub or watching the footy? Do you encourage your kids to learn traditional songs? Do you get homesick? What makes you patriotic? In general, how important do you think it is to maintain links to your home country whilst abroad? So many questions!!
I'm interested to know having been an expat kid my whole life, and would like to submit a piece on national identity to the uni paper with your input. I've noticed since I left home again to travel the past few months that I've become way more patriotic and proud of my country, do you find that?