Fortunately, I don't know. I got stopped in June for 94km in a 70km zone in Ma On Shan. Haven't gone to get my HK license yet as I need to renew my MC endorsement in the States so I don't have to do the 2 year process in HK. I played stupid gweiloh, rambled on about losing my wallet and not having my license and how I just got the car... and the officer let me go.
The look on his face was priceless, I don't think he spoke a lot of English and I was chattering like a monkey on speed. 
I'm really going to miss driving in the UK -- politeness, decent driving skills, lane disciple, and the ability to drive at 90 mph (145 kph! Furious driving indeed!) on the motorway all day with little risk of a fine. Plus the company Audi is a much nicer ride than my tatty little HK Mazder.