anyone up for a workout?

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  1. #1

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    May 2005

    anyone up for a workout?

    Want to increase your muscle mass three-fold within one week? Decrease your reaction time by half? Learn how to disable a violent attacker with only one hand from a kneeling position? Enter and win a mixed-martial art (MMA) tournament with only 3 weeks of training under your belt?

    If so, then you probably won't be interested in what I have to say next.

    There is a small but dedicated group of people here in HK (myself included) that practice once a week (Sat) a Russian martial art. There is just too much about it for me to explain here (plus, I could never do it justice anyway) so I've included the URL below to the main website. You can also google "russian martial art" or "systema" and you'll find tons of websites about it.

    In just a few words... for those interested in tai chi, aikido, krav maga, or MMA, systema is a very effective method for self-defense. It doesn't require a whole lot of muscle or technique. We don't learn stances or katas or anything like that. Moreover, for anyone interested in rock climbing, foot-bag (aka hackey-sack), yoga, isometric training, or muscular flexibility, I think you would find that systema workouts are very closely related. It's also an art that is well suited for practically any body type or shape, male or female. You don't need to be Bruce Lee or GI Jane to excel in systema. You just need to have an open mind and be able to breath, relax, and have fun. Some technical issues that we try to cover/teach:

    -defense against a knife-wielding attacker
    -defense in a confined space (say... for instance, Drop)
    -working against multiple attackers
    -fighting with a hurt/disabled/immobilized limb
    -body movement, flexibility, breathing, and relaxation under stress

    Oh, and we don't wear uniforms. Whatever you want to wear for the workout is whatever you want to wear. We don't care.

    That said, if you are interested, read more about it online. As I mentioned, there is just too much for me to describe here and now.

    I'd also like to point out that no one in our group, including me, is an expert in this art. We all bring something to the table (various experiences and different martial arts backgrounds). Mainly, we meet to learn something new, trade perspectives, and get a good workout (a refreshing departure from the normal gym workouts). Some of us have had direct instruction from certified systema instructors, and some of us just started here in HK. We don't consider ourselves a "school", just a training group that shares a common interest.

    Anyway, we're always looking for more people to work out with us. Doesn't matter if you have any martial arts experience or not, there is always something to learn, and I guarantee that we always have fun. We usually meet in a park (HK or Kowloon or sometimes near Hung Hom) so we don't charge any fees or anything like that. We are usually flexible with our work-out times too.

    And, need I mention... (not like you people need another excuse) but there's nothing like lunch and a cold beer or two with new friends after a tough workout.

    If you are interested, you can PM me and I'll get back to you. Cheers.

    p.s. Our group neither endorses nor participates in bullfighting, seal clubbing, whale hunting, the buying and selling of ivory, furs, or any animal products used in Chinese medicine. (I read that thread... man, you guys are harsh. But funny as sh*t.)

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hong Kong Island
    Quote Originally Posted by Levi:
    disable a violent attacker with only one hand from a kneeling position?
    This part didn't sound good. Haha

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2005

    Hey martyn and golfduke,

    Thanks for your inquiries. Hope you don't mind that I just reply to you both on the thread instead of PMing you back. Actually, I'll PM you both later anyway to give you my mobile number so you can get a hold of me if you are interested in coming to class.

    As far as the schedule goes, we meet on Saturdays, usually around 1-2 pm. We train for about 2 hours, longer if people have the time to hang around and the energy to keep going.

    You don't need to be "fit" but it certainly helps. Like any other sport, even if you start out "unfit", you'll quickly get into shape if you keep it up and do it regularly. The cool thing about systema is that most of the exercises can be done at home, by yourself. Of course, if you have a gym to go to, even better.

    I will say that if you are not in shape, you won't be huffing and puffing ALL the time during class. The time spent is not 100% all out cardio or muscle burning. There's a reason for that, which I can sort of explain later. The quick and dirty answer is... you wouldn't enjoy it so much if you were dog tired by the first 10 minutes.

    Not having any or having little martial arts experience is not a big deal either. Again, it helps if you do have it. But... it can also be a good thing not to; you can come in with a total clean slate... and be really open-minded about whether systema and systema training (these I want to make 2 distinct, separate things for discussion purposes) are right for you or not, without prejudicing based on previous experience in the fighting arts.

    Class starts when I ring a huge bronze bell, which signals all the students to line up, shout a loud "kiai" and bow 5 times (touching your forehead to the ground) to a 3 foot tall, golden statue of a Russian fighting monk...

    HAHA. Yeah right. You come in, do your own warm-up routine for about 10 minutes, then we go thru some situps, pushups, some breathing exercises, and we start. The classes are sprinkled here and there with more situps and pushups, just depending on the mood of the leader (heh heh). We do a lot of movement drills, sensitivity drills (e.g. blindfold moving/fighting), team-building drills, and self-defense "techniques". Breathing, and learning how to breath correctly, is KEY to systema. So is relaxation. Not "relaxed" as in you fall onto the floor like a puddle of flesh and bones, but without tension in your muscles.

    The more people... the more fun and interesting the drills. The atmosphere is of comeraderie and good-natured fun. If you read about it, you know that systema is used by Spetnaz, the Russian Special Forces. So, it's serious stuff, and it's been proven effective in the field by real soldiers. But, the training, esp. for us normal people, doesn't have to be like that, and indeed, for all the training that I've seen in the States where real law enforcement/military guys practice or teach, it's never serious anyway.

    There is a saying in systema: if you are so serious in your training, you've got nothing left, no reserve of mental strength, when the sh*t really hits the fan in real life or in combat.

    Well, I think I talk too much. But I hope I helped answer some of your questions. If you have the chance, please join us, if even to just watch. Take from it what you can, even if you decide it's all a bunch of crap. There's always something to learn.

    See you soon.


  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by martyn:
    This part didn't sound good. Haha
    Oh yeah, want to add...

    If you spend 1 year practicing systema and find yourself in this situation... the only thing that isn't good is to be the schmuck that attacks you.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2005


    Man... I can't believe a thread about hot water heaters generates more response than one about a unique workout/meeting of friends.

    Was it something I said?!

    Sigh... I guess, at the end of the day (figuratively and literally) a hot shower is a whole hell of a lot more important than a russian martial art.

    Did I mention that tradition after systema workouts is sharing ice cold vodka and bread with your training partners?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hong Kong Island
    Quote Originally Posted by Levi:
    Did I mention that tradition after systema workouts is sharing ice cold vodka and bread with your training partners?
    How about a gathering at Balalaika as well?

    The freezer room is cool (excuse the pun).

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Hong Kong

    do you (or spetsnaz ) accept women?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hong Kong

    Systema?? in HK??

    I practiced for a while when I lived in Moscow. Can I pass on your info to a buddy of mine here who is possibly interested? This guy was into Aikido for a few years but was interested in Systema. He is not a member of this forum but please pm me your details and I will forward it to him.


  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Khema:
    Hi! i am interested. I have been (although not actively yet) looking for a martial art school/group to join. the more informal the better.

    but from the photos on the website you guys are large and heavy and I am an average build woman (although I keep fit) - can I still join??

    also, i am not a vodka drinker

    how many of you at the mo?

    last but not the least, would it be safe for a single woman to come to meet your group (funny but true)

    Hi Khema,

    Thanks for your questions. I'm glad that you messaged me. Before I forget, just want to let you know that our group will be meeting tomorrow (Fri) evening to train from 7-9pm. We'll meet at the Hang Seng ATM in the Tin Hau MTR station at 6:40, then walk over to a squash court, where we will hold the class. So, after you read this message, if you are still interested, please come. You are welcome to come practice or just watch, either way, it's cool.

    Just come with an open mind.

    Ok, so... let me try to answer your questions. Well, first, I'm no expert in systema. So, if you develop more questions that you feel I can't answer and that don't pertain specifically to our group in HK, please feel free to post in the forum. Most of the people there are very friendly, and there are many other women that frequently post and answer questions too.

    Ok, yes, it's safe for someone with a small build to train. We're nothing like the guys in the pictures. Actually, I myself weigh about 147 lbs/67 kg, and I'm around 5'10"/178 cm tall. I don't consider myself imposing or strong at all compared to most men and women. Chi, our group leader (Fri will actually be his last class as he is moving to Beijing for work) is a bit bigger. The other regulars that train are shorter and lighter than me. We did have some new guys that came last week that were pretty big; one was tall and very skinny, one was short and squat, the other was probably my height but 20 lbs heavier.

    My point is, we come in all shapes and sizes. If you are worried that you won't be able to learn much because you are small... don't. I've trained with many women who were smaller than me but could put me on the floor in pain quite easily.

    To kind of close the subject on that... for your last question... quite valid. If you feel comfortable to train with us in a public place, then that would be great. We are a civil bunch of guys, most of us are professionals in our careers, and we all treat each other with respect, in and out of class. The best thing is... the philosophy of systema kind of preaches this respect anyway, to both your friends and your "enemies". If you are concerned, I would suggest just coming to watch.

    As I said before, we are training in a public squash court (if we don't rent a court, we train in a park, usually Kowloon or HK or a park in Hong Hum), so there will be other people around. I doubt you would ever get that impression, but in case you come to the conclusion that we are a bunch of rude, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, women-bashing beasts... well, we will be behind the glass wall of the squash court... so you'd be safe so long as you stay outside of the court... just joking. Please do come and at least watch for a bit.

    Let's see... what else... ah, yes. About the vodka. That's sort of a partial joke. Yes, it is a tradition for the Russians and in systema. Not every school you encounter does it. I myself can drink about 1 beer before I pass out, so I usually don't partake in the vodka when I go to systema seminar post-training dinners and parties. As for our group actually doing it... probably wouldn't happen. The focus of our meetings is to train and open our minds to something new... not get drunk or to even make an excuse to have a drink.

    Right now, there are 3 of us, not counting our leader who will go back to China this week. 3 new guys showed up last week, but who knows if they'll be back. I've since had 4 other people PM or email me regarding coming to train, 2 of which are women. So, essentially, we are a small bunch. I'm only just now starting to explore how to develop more interest for this art in HK... thus, my post on geoexpat. In the future, I'll be "advertising" more as I figure out good ways to inform the public.

    I want to stress that we are not a school, and not even really a club. We are not officially a study group (as in we haven't been blessed by the head instructor of systema in Toronto, Canada); we are simply some guys that found something in common and want to learn more about it.

    Hope to hear from you again. We will also train this Sat as well, probably around 1-2pm, for 2 hours. I'll let you know the details if you are interested. I'll pm you with my contact info. It was nice meeting you.
    p.s. sorry for the long reply!
    Last edited by Levi; 06-10-2005 at 09:45 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JaredHK:
    Systema?? in HK??

    I practiced for a while when I lived in Moscow. Can I pass on your info to a buddy of mine here who is possibly interested? This guy was into Aikido for a few years but was interested in Systema. He is not a member of this forum but please pm me your details and I will forward it to him.

    Criipes! You studied in Moscow?!! With Michael, I assume? Man, you are one lucky guy. Tell me you yourself are also interested in training, and that you are not just going to pass along the info to your friend!

    I'm sure you have some unique experiences and stories to share about your time in Moscow.

    Anyway, I'll PM you with my contact info, and you can give it to your buddy.


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