The retired pilots do not NEED another option. That is the point I have been making. Their past remuneration affords them the luxury of being able to manage for YEARS with reduced or frozen pension pay-outs (not imposed upon them, but mutually agreed upon). This would be on top of Government pension.
Cabin Crew do not have that luxury. That you think you can equate their circumstances is ludicrous.
You needn't look too far to realise that BA are virtually up to their neck in human faeces. In 2006 their reported pension deficit amounted to £1.4bn. Today that figure stands at £3.7bn.
Existing staff have to cut their throats to be able to continue supporting past employees? I say screw past employees. They contribute ZERO value to the airline. Doing so is NOT worth the impact on the company's existing workforce. It is NOT worth the impact on the traveling public.
And it certainly isn't worth sinking the ship.