KIA, I have already added to my list of favourites
Any good place to get good quality second hand VCRs and DVD players? I have too many DVD players but none play DIVX, so would want one just to play those. Plus need a simple VCR just to record shows that I miss when I go out on the rare occasion.
woteva... me juz telling u what i did to get a player that played SZ DVD's off the shelf. i wasn't caring whether it was b/c it was area coded, illegitimate or a maverick, i juz wanted the ruddy thing to work in a new DVD player! so, that's wot i did - i made sure the player i bought could play that format - and because whenever u ask a store rep a question, if they dont know, they just say "yes", the only way to really tell is to try and try again... in store, before u buy it.Originally Posted by mattstewart: