scruffy blankets for messing about in the park

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  1. #1

    scruffy blankets for messing about in the park


    I'm desperate to find a scruffy, nasty old large blanket that I can sit on and have picnics on, in Victoria Park....any ideas where I can buy one of these. In the UK it was easy, I just went to the gardening stores and they had loads of cheap huge ones.
    Where can I find these in HK island??? In Ikea, they are really pretty and small and the types that you dont' want to destroy.....

    THanks for any advice....

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    Go to a fabric shop and just buy a few metres of the cheapest (thick) stuff they have?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2007

    why not go to a fabric store like western market and have a big square cut for your needs.