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  • 1 Post By wtbhotia

now tv alternative

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    now tv alternative

    ok, my now tv subscription is about to expire. i have about had it with paying $488/month for each of two outlets.

    my kids watch the first outlet quite a lot, while we get to watch stuff once in a while. that subscription doesn't expire until next december...

    the one upstairs for mummy and daddy isn't used too often. i download quite a bit and am on the computer working most of the time. however, i do find it kind of nice to be able to watch stuff like cnn, bio & history channel, as well as the occasional discovery show.
    i've added up what we watch and we can get the price down to $198/month, which still saves us $300/month.

    what i'm wondering is: are shows like "hoarders", "sell this house",available on the internet for download? i've never come across them...if you have ever seen them, please let me know!

    i know there is a "new kid on the block" that i think provides "cable" services, i just can't remember who it is and i'd like to check out their prices/packages. if you know who these guys are, please let me know, too!

    any other suggestions?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Clear Water Bay (In Da Jungle)

    Hoarders you can download from isoHunt › the BitTorrent & P2P search engine

    carang likes this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    awsome, thanks! that show is like watching a train wreck! it's disgusting, but i just can't stop myself!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    I would just get the very basic like CNN/Discovery/etc from NowTV. Then download everything else.

    Or how about a slingbox/slingcatcher combination? The slingbox goes in your home country at your family or friends house and connects to their TV or a standalone set top box (if you dont want to disturb their viewing). The slingcatcher hooks up to your TV in Hong Kong and has a remote control etc so you dont have that geeky feeling of having to turn on your computer everytime you want to watch something.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Ive also seen some nice PVR functionality lately with these slingbox type of devices. So if your home county happens to be US/UK or somewhere else where there is a huge time difference, you can record the shows you want automatically and play them back later.

    Last edited by bdw; 18-02-2010 at 09:46 AM.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    ok, sling box i find intriguing... "home" country is canada. so, what exactly do i need to do/ have my mum do in canada?

    sorry, i don't know much about it at all...


  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    I finally cancelled all our paid Now TV channels last week. We just kept the ones that came "free" with our internet - we no longer actually watch any of them. I have found that UK NOVA has pretty much every kind of show from the UK - not just drama, but even things like the queens speech and the news! Also all the horrible sitcoms and reality tv shows that I hate..... Similar stuff is found for other places on other sides, or get a proxy server and stream live from the various sites (hulu, fancast) that also cover the US market (sorry - no idea about Canada!). All of which seemed easier than Now. I'd have been quite happy to pay for Now, even more actually, IF it had decent shows, no repeats but the quality of what is on NOW is quite stunningly awful so it's just not worth it.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    For the slingbox option, it goes something like this:

    - Buy a "slingbox" in Canada

    - At your mum's house, hook one end of it up to her TV or set top box and the other end to her internet connection (She needs broadband internet). It also comes with an "IR Blaster" which you need to stick in front of the TV or set top box infrared port. Then you need to tune the IR blaster to your TV or STB. So when you change channels in HK, the IR blaster will change the channels at your mums house on the TV or STB. You could even connect the slingbox to a DVD player or some other video source if you want and then you just sit the IR blaster in front of the DVD player so you can stop, play, pause, etc in HK.

    - In HK, you install the player software on your laptop, mobile phone, and other electronic devices like MP3 player or whatever. Then you can watch all the TV from your mums house in HK on these devices.

    - The 'slingcatcher' is an optional device. This connects to your normal TV in HK so that you dont need to use your PC/Laptop/mobile device to watch the TV. It gives you a more normal TV experience with remote control, etc.

    Last edited by bdw; 18-02-2010 at 11:15 AM.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    yyz hkg sin

    rippers site
    mainly us-based shows
    EZTV - TV Torrents Online

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    thanks, i download from eztv & pirate bay all the time...but not all shows are available.