i was talking wit m friend whose family is from HK [i'm in south aus] and we decided that you can express yourself better in cantonese.. -plus it may become the underground global language
sorry really drunk..
i was talking wit m friend whose family is from HK [i'm in south aus] and we decided that you can express yourself better in cantonese.. -plus it may become the underground global language
sorry really drunk..
I wish I had mandarin lessons in my school days. When it comes to revising with my daughter her ptw lessons, I'm simply clueless.
Originally Posted by Vrindavan:
As far as I know the Cantonese people use to live further north. They were pushed south by invaders and brought their language with them.
I have read that many ancient Chinese poems and texts sound better (some even rhyme) when spoken in Cantonese.
read the last paragraph
Do u have the english version !Originally Posted by Vrindavan: