Living in Lamma

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  1. #1

    Living in Lamma

    I'm quite keen on moving to lamma island and experiencing a quieter hong kong. but i can't seem to find any postings anywhere on the net about lamma homes for rent. someone told me most brokers shy away from that part. so how do i find myself a home and which areas are the easiest to catch a ferry from? (ps: i'm hoping for a rent not more than 6.5k a month for a 2 bedroom place-realistic?)

    Last edited by bichishort; 16-01-2006 at 04:58 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Not friggin' Lamma no more!

    Hi there. you will have no problem finding a 700sqft flat with rooftop near the ferry for that price.
    The estate agents do not have online listings- it is better to go there yourself and spend a day looking. I use Jackson Real Estate for my place but there are other ones along the main street.
    You could try for more info.