Living in the NT

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fo Tan

    Living in the NT

    Anyone out there live in the Tai Po (or north of Tai Po) area? Or perhaps Fairview Park?
    We think this is the area where we want to live when we head over this summer.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Tai Po, I know it very very well, My home village is just outside of there.

    the commute into central isn't too bad since they have the tst east kcr station but theres not actually a lot to do out there in Tai Po!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fo Tan

    I would be heading the other way, to Shenzen.
    In a perfect world we are looking for a country house (3 floors plus roof?), with a garden, near some parks, but close (10-20 minute walk) to the KCR so that my wife will be able to take the baby to all the playgroups and the doctor. Oh, since I am describing perfection, we would also like a gym close by.
    Is any of that possible?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Yuen Long

    Houses - NT

    Depends a great deal on whether you are buying or renting and how much you want to pay . Yes Fairview Park...which is actually nearer to Yuen Long than NT is good , transport to many places from there is qyuite convenient . You can get to railways and city by the estate bus . The same for Palm Springs which is a bit further north . Me I prefer Palm Springs as it is a biot quieter for kids to run around - less traffic . There is a gym in the clubhouse - not California Gym but at least a few machines and a swimming pool , restaurant , shops .

    Maybe some people will say there is nothing to do but if you want to go out it is only 30 mins by car to Tsim Sha Tsui or about 45 mins by bus .

    There are other places like Sheung SHui and Tai Po which have bars if you like to drink .

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    in a little hole
    Quote Originally Posted by dmichael8888:
    ... Fairview Park...which is actually nearer to Yuen Long than NT ....
    I'm confused... isn't YL part of NT??

    or am I more geographically retarded than I first thought?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dropdedfwed:
    I'm confused... isn't YL part of NT??

    or am I more geographically retarded than I first thought?
    Yep YL is part of the NT, so you're not retarded at all!

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Yuen Long


    yes should not writye messages in early morning.....i meant closer to yuen long than TP !

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fo Tan
    Quote Originally Posted by dmichael8888:
    Depends a great deal on whether you are buying or renting and how much you want to pay . Yes Fairview Park...which is actually nearer to Yuen Long than NT is good , transport to many places from there is qyuite convenient . You can get to railways and city by the estate bus . The same for Palm Springs which is a bit further north .
    How would one go from Fairview Park or Palm Springs to Wo Lu? Estate bus? How long would it take? What would the cost be?
    Can you rent those village/country houses out there or is it strictly high-rise living?
    I will have about HK$50,000 per month to spend on housing (rent).

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Mind your own f**k'n business!
    Quote Originally Posted by Sleuth:
    I will have about HK$50,000 per month to spend on housing (rent).
    Errr, i think you'll be okay there!

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Yuen Long

    Palm Springs to Lo WU

    Well money is not your problem , rentals are well within your budget . As to estate bus , it is 7 dollars and takes about 15-20 mins to sheung shui then catch the train to lo wu .

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